[XeTeX] PGF and XeTeX

Florian Grammel grammel at gmx.net
Tue Jan 8 08:31:58 CET 2008


xelatex -output-driver=xdvipdfmx FILENAME

(or changing the xelatex-engine file for TeXShop respectively) does  
the trick.

The up-to-date version 1.18 of pgf is supposed to choose the driver  

> Change log:
>         Version 1.18:
>         - Added automatic driver selection for xetex

, but that doesn't work for me here. If you are experiencing the same  
problem, we should try and report it as a bug.

Best regards,

> Over on comp.text.tex, someone asks:
>> xelatexing a file which uses tikz tells me I seem to missing a  
>> `pgfsys-
>> xetex.def' file.
>> CTAN seems not to know about it.
>> Any ideas?
> <http://groups.google.com/group/comp.text.tex/msg/47b63cc0493a51e9>
> I haven't used PGF with XeTeX yet, but I'm certain someone here will  
> know...
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Florian Grammel

Gentofte, Denmark

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