[XeTeX] PDF files only sporadically included

Dominic Yu gobbledegook at gmail.com
Tue Feb 26 20:17:08 CET 2008

2008/2/26, Jonathan Kew <jonathan_kew at sil.org>:
>  Can you provide a (small) example of a PDF that fails?

I sure can! See attached.

2008/2/26, Bruno Voisin <bvoisin at mac.com>:
>  Or did you modify ~/Library/TeXShop/Engines/XeLaTeX.engine to call
>  xdvipdfmx

I did (that's how I got various math symbols to work).

>  Does the problem change if you call the graphicx package and replace
>  > \XeTeXpdffile "pdf/1234.pdf" width \textwidth
> by
>  \graphicspath{{pdf/}}
>  \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{1234}

There's no difference.
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