[XeTeX] OT: TECkit and XML files

Malte Rosenau xetex_malte at web.de
Thu Feb 21 16:36:34 CET 2008

Sorry, the following is only vaguely related to XeTeX:

I would like to apply a TECkit mapping to an UTF-8 encoded XML file. The font mapping used in certain parts of the source file uses some of TeX's active characters, so I can't do the conversion within XeTeX. Well, I guess I could, but I also want to have a transformed version of the source file for various reasons. Has anyone here done something like that? Is SFconv the right tool to do that?  It seems to be restricted to Unicode-to-8bit translation (or vice versa), which would not work in my case (I need Unicode-to-Unicode).  Do I really have to extract the 8bit data from the XML file, do the conversion in a bunch of temporary files and feed the unicode data back into the source file? ;-(

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