[XeTeX] Problem with Japanese font

Cyril Niklaus cyril.niklaus at gmail.com
Sun Feb 10 16:14:35 CET 2008

On 10 févr. 08, at 22:01, Gerrit Sangel wrote:

> Hello,
> hm, maybe you have to switch the encoding of the mail to UTF-8.
No, the problem is not with my mail reader, it's with the encoding of  
the font name. It does not appear in my font menu with the Japanese  
name. But that's irrelevant to the discussion at hand.
> I select them via setromanfont because I read it in some example  
> file... but
> this bugged me all time and I did not know a better way to select a  
> font.
> He does not revert back to the old font if I do this with  
> \newfontfamily and
> then \mincho{日本語} or so. After I have first written \mincho, he  
> does not use
> the Fraktur font anymore.
> So, how is the “correct” way to change the fonts?
> Thanks
Indeed it is not the correct way to change fonts as you found out. It  
will keep using the font you asked it to use until you change it back.  
As a matter of course if you just want to insert Japanese words into  
your text I suggest you simply use curly quotes:

   \usepackage{fontspec, xltxtra, xunicode}


This is a text in Baskerville and now something comes in
in Japanese {\japanese{日本語}} and back to Baskerville.

But if you want only Japanese, you could only use \japanese without  
quotes or simply:
   \usepackage{fontspec, xltxtra, xunicode}
     \XeTeXlinebreaklocale ja
%Excerpt from <http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20080116-00000993-san-soci 

Reading Will Robertson's fine fontspec manual will help you too.


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