[XeTeX] some xelatex problems...

Will Robertson wspr81 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 8 01:21:34 CET 2008

Hi Thierry,

You must be using a Mac :)
fontspec, by default, switches the default fonts to the Latin Modern  
OpenType family, but this is only supported by the xdvipdfmx driver.  
You're using the last version of XeTeX that *won't* use this driver as  
default on Mac OS X (it's the only driver for Windows and Linux).

If you're using TeXShop, you want to use the XeTeX-xdvipdfmx driver.  
If you don't have it, go to
and duplicate the "XeLaTeX.engine" file, then open it up and replace  
the insides with

/usr/texbin/xelatex -output-driver="xdvipdfmx -q -E" -shell-escape  "$1"

That should be all you need...
Hope this helps,

On 08/02/2008, at 9:04 AM, rhomunu-list at yahoo.fr wrote:

> Hello,
> I am new to xelatex (but not to latex and pdflatex). I want to test  
> it, because I think it is the true future of (pdf)latex.
> But for the moment, I can only consider to try it for small  
> projects, because I have some problems I don't understand.
> First, notice that I want to use the fontspec package, which seems  
> almost obvious considering what it does...
> My installation:
> - XeTeX, Version 3.141592-2.2-0.996 (Web2C 7.5.6)
> - fontspec.sty v1.14
> - Mac OSX 10.5.1
> Here are my concerns:
> 1- I don't get numberings in the equation environment: I get some  
> red letters...
> 2- There seems to be some difference between xelatex-fontspec and  
> xetex about the \special commands: I have tried to compile the  
> examples taken from the file "transformations.tex" distributed with  
> xetex in some xelatex file: some big differences!!! With xetex  
> (original file), it's OK.
> 3- I don't know what to think about the warning messages:
>    ## xdv2pdf: use of uninstalled fonts (specified by filename) such  
> as
>    ##   [/Users/thierry/Library/texmf/fonts/opentype/public/lm/ 
> lmroman12-regular.otf]
>    ## is not supported; try using the xdvipdfmx driver instead.
> and
>    Type1 font data returned by OFAStreamPSDownload isn't in the  
> correct format required by the Adobe Type 1Font Format specification.
> in the console window...
> Any advices there?
> Thanks in advance...
> Thierry
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