[XeTeX] Conflict between xunicode and fontspec?

Julien ÉLIE iulius at via.ecp.fr
Wed Feb 6 20:49:33 CET 2008

Hi Jonathan,

Thanks for having answered.  (And also thanks for one of the
interview you gave where you say that you for your part pronounce
XeLaTeX [ˈziːlɑtɛx].)

> I guess \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} has the effect of converting
> some of the accented characters, and probably the non-breaking space,
> into LaTeX control sequences

I believe it is what it does.  And I must admit it is very bad since
if I copy/paste the PDF generated, I obtain stuff like "´et´e" or "goˆut"
instead of "été" or "goût".  Native UTF-8 by fontspec is far better :)
And it highlights what you, Arthur and François say:  inputenc should not
be used with XeLaTeX.

> I don't know exactly how fontenc gets involved here; it may mean that
> you end up using different virtual fonts, or something. Did you try
> this in combination with fontspec-selected fonts, not just the
> default CM/LM?

Only the default fonts.

> If there are language-specific issues like space before footnotes
> that polyglossia doesn't yet handle, I hope François will consider
> adding support for these; I think this is a much better way forward
> than trying to use combinations of old stuff (built for legacy byte
> encodings and fonts) and the new Unicode mechanisms.

I have a question:  why should polyglossia be written from scratch?
Couldn't Babel be "updated" to be used with XeLaTeX?

I think it is a waste of time and effort to write polyglossia instead
of improving what Babel does.  Is is really incompatible with no
way to make it work with XeLaTeX?

Julien ÉLIE

« L'éternité, c'est long, surtout vers la fin. » (Woody Allen)

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