[XeTeX] What's a *clean* way to change some pages' dimensions ?

Jonathan Kew jonathan_kew at sil.org
Fri Feb 1 10:40:34 CET 2008

On 1 Feb 2008, at 12:34 am, Jérôme Carretero wrote:

> ...about everything is in the subject
> I naively tried to use a
> {
>  \special{pagesize=...}
>  % margins stuff
>  % Stuff in my redimensionned pages
> }
> but all the following pages (after my closing brace) are also  
> changed (of course, since it's xdvipdfmx that just parses \special's).
> I wondered if there was a new way of doing it with XeTeX (or XeLaTeX).

You should be able to use \pdfpagewidth and \pdfpageheight to do this:

   .... stuff in your A4 pages ....
   \eject % finish page
    ... stuff for some A5 pages ...
   .... now it should be A4 again.

Or if a package like geometry.sty has commands to change the page  
size within the document, I'd expect that to work as it uses the  
\pdfpage* commands.


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