[XeTeX] Could not load both Bold and BoldItalic.

Andrea Franceschini therealmorpheu5 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 12 18:23:50 CET 2008

2008/12/10 Apostolos Syropoulos <asyropoulos at yahoo.com>:
>> \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
> Why do you use this this package?

In pretty every guide about xelatex I've seen this:
\usepackage{fontenc, graphicx, xunicode, xltxtra}
so I assumed fontenc was required.

fc-list | grep HelveticaNeue returned nothing but

$ fc-list | grep Helvetica\ Neue
Helvetica Neue:style=Bold
Helvetica Neue:style=Medium
Helvetica Neue:style=Black
Helvetica Neue:style=Thin
Helvetica Neue:style=Heavy
Helvetica Neue:style=Roman
Helvetica Neue:style=UltraLight
Helvetica Neue:style=Regular
Helvetica Neue:style=ExtraBlack
Helvetica Neue:style=Light

It seems there's no Italic but actually it's in nearly every other
application I use, from OpenOffice to Inkscape...


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