[XeTeX] XeLaTeX and 11 PDF fonts

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Tue Dec 9 12:50:01 CET 2008

Am 09.12.2008 um 11:31 schrieb Francisco Chaves:

> I am new to XeLaTeX and I want to use the Helvetica font that is in
> the 11 pdf fonts without embedding it in the pdf file.

And what is your problem? That you haven't installed any Helvetica  
font? And neither Arial (which you could get from the *free* MS core  
fonts for the web package: http://corefonts.sourceforge.net/)?

Or do you want that the Helvetica font is not embedded?

(BTW, it's actually not eleven but 14 fonts: 4 × Courier, 4 ×  
Helvetica, 4 × Times, Symbol, and Zapf Dingbats.)



The box said "Use Windows 95 or better," so I got a Macintosh.

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