[XeTeX] Setting PDF document information

Wesley Griffin wgriffin at fraktured.net
Tue Apr 15 14:45:14 CEST 2008

I'm attempting to set/embed the PDF document information such as  
Title, Author, etc, and I cannot get it to work. I'm using TeX Live  
2007 on OS X 10.5.2. Below is a simple example of attempting to use  
the hyperref package with its pdfauthor and pdftitle options. I've  
tried both the below and with \hypersetup and neither works.

Am I doing something wrong? I've been searching google with absolutely  
no success.


%!TEX TS-program = xelatex

\usepackage[dvipdfmx,bookmarksnumbered,pdfborder={0 0  
Griffin},pdftitle={My Own Title}]{hyperref}

\title{My Own Title}
\author{Wesley Griffin}
\chapter{Introduction} % (fold)
This is an introduction.
\section{Motivation} % (fold)
I would like to motivate this.
% section motivation (end)
% chapter introduction (end)

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