[XeTeX] using a different small caps font

Will Robertson wspr81 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 13 15:02:12 CEST 2008

On 13/04/2008, at 2:57 AM, Dominic Yu wrote:
> This doesn't work:
> \setmainfont[SmallCapsFont={Hoefler Text}]{Doulos SIL}
> because the small caps is embedded inside the font, and I don't know
> how to invoke the font with, say, the Letters=SmallCaps feature
> already on. Please help!


I'm not sure how you found the SmallCapsFont without also noticing the  
SmallCapsFeatures feature :)

Text,SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=SmallCaps}]{Doulos SIL}

But I make no recommendation on the aesthetics of such code!

By the way, to those who mentioned such code as
   \fontspec[RawFeature=+smcp]{Minion Pro}

this shouldn't really be necessary -- fontspec and XeTeX should  
automatically detect the small caps shape and assign it to the scshape  
and textsc commands.

If `\fontspec{Minion Pro}\scshape` doesn't select small caps for you,  
please submit a bug report.

Best regards,
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