[XeTeX] Drawings within a matrix

HAF MED wap.haf at gmail.com
Wed Apr 9 08:55:12 CEST 2008


yu can use pgf ex. :

\matrix [matrix of math nodes,left delimiter=(,right delimiter=),
row 1 column 1/.style={red}
a_{11}     & \node(c) {a_{12}}; &    & \node(d) {a_{1n}}; \\
\node(a) {a_{21}};  & \node(e) {a_{22}};  &  \cdots & a_{2n} \\
      & \vdots  &  \ddots & \vdots \\
\node(b) {a_{n1}};  & a_{n2} & \cdots  & \node(f) {a_{nn}}; \\
\draw [red,thick] (e.north west) rectangle (f.south east);
\draw [-,red,very thick] (a.north) -- (b.south);
\draw [-,red,very thick] (c.west) -- (d.east);
\end{tikzpicture}  \\

2008/4/9, Will Robertson <wspr81 at gmail.com>:
> On 09/04/2008, at 3:37 PM, Yaniv Hollander wrote:
> >
> > Does anybody know how I can combine drawings into matrices in Latex? For
> > example, lets say I want to present a symmetric matrix, and I want to put a
> > triangular containing the word 'SYM' above the cells of the lower triangular
> > of the matrix. Is it possible to do such a thing?
> >
> I'm not really sure what you mean, I'm afraid. It might be be better to
> ask this sort of non-XeTeX specific question in a more general group like
> texhax or comp.text.tex...
> Will
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