[XeTeX] Many warnings when compile beamer presentation using XeLaTex

Andreas Matthias amat at kabsi.at
Mon Apr 7 23:31:51 CEST 2008

Steven Woody wrote:

> It is really a nightmare,

It is a bug. And yes, it wasn't easy to track it down. Here's
a minimum example:

\useoutertheme{smoothbars} % loaded by Frankfurt style


The bullets (which are annotations) are partly outside of the
page boundary, if the section name (`s' in this example) is
very short. That's why xdvipdfmx warns you with: »Annotation out
of page boundary.« Give the section a longer name and the
warning will disappear, since all bullets are within the page

You do not get a warning a pdftex but the result is the same.

I created a bug tracker item on sourceforge.


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