[XeTeX] Using Gentium with XeteX

Till Rettig till.rettig at gmx.de
Sun Oct 28 14:01:26 CET 2007


thanks for all the answers! I wanted in fact to use the font for titling 
in a document with antykwa torunska as body text. The problem was that I 
needed some logos in sf-font in the titling and thus, since titling is 
defined as boldface, the sf-font appeared bold but not Gentium. I am 
thinking now about LinLibertine or TexGyre... They have all needed faces 
(and also quite a lot of precomposed signs for all kinds of languages).
But just out of curiosity why does the BoldFont feature not work, I 
mean: it works to assign the "bold" face a colour, but not the scaling 
of the weight. Is this a feature that works only with AAT fonts?


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