[XeTeX] Using Gentium with XeteX

Till Rettig till.rettig at gmx.de
Sat Oct 27 15:23:47 CEST 2007

Ok, I found the BoldFeature option in the fontspec manual, but it 
doesn't work. Writing:


I get Gentium, but no bold font, only normal and italic work. Does this 
feature miss from Gentium or did I do something wrong?

Till Rettig wrote:
> Hello,
> I started using Gentium a while ago with XeteX, but realized, that 
> there is a caveat I cannot solve: The font comes only in two faces: 
> normal and italic. How do I achive bold face? In openoffice or ms word 
> this is no problem, the program obviously has some font information 
> that lets it scale the fonts accordingly. Is there any option in the 
> fontspec package that let you do the same? I guess the idea behind 
> this is, that italic face has different shapes while the bold version 
> is only a scaled version of the normal or italic face where all lines 
> are scaled accordingly. It seems the font designer thought this method 
> is good enough to get sufficient results. But how do I tell XeteX to 
> do the same?
> Thanks in advance
> Till Rettig

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