[XeTeX] Quote from TeXhax thread

Martin Schröder martin at oneiros.de
Thu Oct 18 16:57:05 CEST 2007

2007/10/18, Jonathan Kew <jonathan_kew at sil.org>:
> I'd love to see \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} be enhanced to recognize
> xetex and "do nothing" in this case, leaving the engine to handle the
> Unicode data.

If you remember the discussion after Chris' talk at TUG2007 (the last
three minutes of the video available at
you get the impression that this is exactly what users want from the
LaTeX team (and IMHO what Chris doesn't understand): It's not enough
to tell the world how lovely xetex is -- LaTeX must become
xetex-aware. NOW.

IMHO this will be the crucial point for LaTeX and the argument for
ConTeXt MkIV: If LaTeX stays in the 20th century, many users will
migrate to ConTeXt.


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