[XeTeX] Making nice tables

Will Robertson wspr81 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 25 23:43:09 CET 2007

On 25/11/2007, at 3:35 AM, Mike Maxwell wrote:

> Thanks for the idea.  Yes, that does seem reasonable; I a little
> surprised no one has done that before.

While LaTeX is (supposed to be) about separation of formatting and  
content, there are few places where these sort of "automatic"  
macroscopic decisions are made. The reason being, I believe, due to  
the fact that LaTeX was slooooow back in the day and the time/memory  
for these sorts of comparisons was scarce.

> Thank you for the offer; I guess I should try posting over at
> comp.text.tex first, to see if the wheel has already been invented?

Probably worthwhile...in the meantime, can you send an example of one  
of your tables both in supertabular and "regular" tabular form?


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