[XeTeX] letter.dabase.com

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Fri Nov 2 06:40:53 CET 2007

Le 2 nov. 07 à 01:22, Will Robertson a écrit :

> On 02/11/2007, at 10:16 , Jonathan Kew wrote:
>>> xetex seems to ignore that %&program=xelatex in the header.
>> Indeed; that's just a comment, as far as (xe)tex is concerned.  
>> TeXShop (on Mac OS X) used that to determine which TeX engine to  
>> run, but that won't help you. You'll want to explicitly call  
>> xelatex in your command line.
> Also, that's the old syntax for specifying the document metadata.  
> Now you want to write
> %!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
> %!TEX TS-program = XeLaTeX

What puzzles me is that the original poster said:

> I'm using a Debian unstable machine btw for testing.

so he doesn't seem to be using OS X, hence no TeXShop.

Is that possible that:

%&encoding=UTF-8 Unicode

refer to some universal syntax, not specific to TeXShop? Long ago  
OzTeX used to use a similar syntax for specifying the format, yielding  


Bruno Voisin

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