[XeTeX] Including eps graphics

Jonathan Kew jonathan_kew at sil.org
Thu Nov 1 13:33:36 CET 2007

On Thu, 1 Nov 2007 13:12:50 +0100
 Peter Dyballa <Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE> wrote:
> Am 01.11.2007 um 12:48 schrieb Herbert Schulz:
> > Do I need to update to a later version of xelatex or xdvipdfmx?
> No, just use properly: xelatex -shell-escape. The conversion of the  
> graphics type is done externally.

I think that would be true if you're trying to use a LaTeX package such as ps4pdf that is designed to convert PS images for use in pdfTeX. I haven't tried that but I think someone mentioned that it's possible; might need some tweaks to the packages.

What the latest xetex.def (in Subversion) is designed to support is the use of EPS via xdvipdfmx *without* any such LaTeX package, and without --shell-escape; the *driver* (rather than the TeX job) calls ghostscript to handle the conversion. This works with the latest built-from-source driver, provided the dvipdfmx.cfg file has a suitable "D" option enabled, but this may be turned off (or broken?) in the TL release.

So: check dvipdfmx.cfg to see if a PS-to-PDF option is enabled; but if that doesn't help, you might need a newer driver version.


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