[XeTeX] XeLaTeX and unicode footnote symbols

Hendrik Fuß fuss-h at ulster.ac.uk
Tue May 29 16:46:10 CEST 2007

On 29/05/07, Will Robertson <wspr81 at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 29/05/2007, at 22:00 , Hendrik Fuß wrote:
> > has anybody managed to set up xelatex to use footnote symbols from the
> > main text font? I've tried the following (quick and dirty):
> >
> > \def\@fnsymbol#1{\text{%
> >   \ifcase#1\or *\or †\or ‡\or §\or ¶\or ‖\or **\or ††
> > \or ‡‡\else\@ctrerr\fi}}
> >
> > It replaces the standard math mode footnote symbols with unicode
> > versions (using \text from amsmath). It works, but the superscripting
> > looks a bit awkward, at least for * in Gentium.
> If you load the xunicode+fixltx2e packages, you don't need to make
> the redefinition of fnsymbol but I'm not sure if the output will look
> any different.

Interesting. The minimal test case indeed works with these packages.

My document was using euler, which apparently redefines footnotes,
overriding the effects of xltxtra. Replacing euler with eulervm seems
to fix the problem.

(Sometimes I just get tired of tracing LaTeX command redefinitions. *sigh*)

> I don't see the awkwardness you do, though.

I should have been more explicit: the asterisk in most text fonts is
already superscripted. While daggers and eveything else are correctly
positioned as footnote markers, the asterisk is actually
double-superscripted, making it appear too small.

I'm not sure how one could handle this smoothly with LaTeX.


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