[XeTeX] Using hebrew

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Wed Mar 7 13:03:58 CET 2007

Am 07.03.2007 um 12:37 schrieb Jonathan Kew:

> As I already explained, the OP's actual problem was that the font
> named in the document was not installed on the system. And that's not
> "hard to find in any source".

I read your answer. I also remember that it's possible to choose one  
of two renderers. When I am sure, and I can proof this with my  
source, that I did not use either of these explicitly, how can XeTeX  
report an inexistant error?!

To me this indicates that fontspec has a flaw in reporting inexact  
error causes. Or causing inexact error messages.



"If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure."

                                 George W. Bush

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