[XeTeX] [OS X TeX] Fwd: XeLaTeX: equation falsch dargestellt

Joanna Ludmiła Ryćko rycko at informatik.hu-berlin.de
Fri Jun 29 20:24:18 CEST 2007

Hi Jonathan,

thanks for your answers, but...

> If you run xelatex with the xdvipdfmx driver, it should work  
> better. You can do this via TeXShop's xelatex-xdvipdfmx engine; if  
> you don't have this engine, just create a copy of the  
> XeLaTeX.engine file and add the option
>     -output-driver="xdvipdfmx -q -E"
> to the xelatex command line.

I tried this solution from the command line and got the following  

** NOTICE: This document contains a `Preview & Print only' licensed  
font **
Output file removed.
Output written on test.pdf (1 page).
Transcript written on test.log.

There are no errors anymore, but also... no pdf file in my working  

>>> \documentclass{scrreprt}
>>> \usepackage{fontspec}
> Alternatively, try \usepackage[cm-default]{fontspec} here; I think  
> this will avoid the problems configuring the math fonts.

And here I get the following:

*** fontmap psfonts.map not found; texmf.cnf may be broken
*** font cmr10 not found in psfonts.map or host system; will  
substitute Helvetica glyphs
*** fontmap psfonts.map not found; texmf.cnf may be broken
*** font cmmi10 not found in psfonts.map or host system; will  
substitute Helvetica glyphs
*** fontmap psfonts.map not found; texmf.cnf may be broken
*** font cmsy10 not found in psfonts.map or host system; will  
substitute Helvetica glyphs

So I persume, that there is something wrong with my psfonts.map
It could be found here:
so it should be ok. I didn't make any changes to my TeX Live 2007  
since I installed it three months ago, but maybe something happend,  
that changed this psfonts.map file, which I can't remember now.
Maybe it will be easier for all of us, if I just install TeX again...

BTW Janusz Nowacki said, that – as for now – XeTeX do not work with  
OTF fonts in math, but only with TFM fonts. I'm not sure, what  
Hoefler Text is and actually I don't know what the TFM fonts are. Do  
I understand it correctly, that those mathematical formulas will not  
be typeset in Hoefler Text at all, even if my system works right, but  
in LM/CM?

And one more information for Peter Dyballa (I read your message in  
the web-archive): IT IS xelatex! :)
 > xelatex test.tex
This is XeTeXk, Version 3.141592-2.2-0.996 (Web2C 7.5.6)

PS: I was trying to subscribe both MacOSX-TeX and xetex mailing lists  
to be able to send this message to them, but from the macos list I  
didn't get any answer and my xetex-list subscription is awaiting  
moderator approval, so I would like to ask someone of you who gets  
this e-mail to forward it to both lists. Thank you.


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