[XeTeX] include graphics: filesize difference

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Sun Jun 3 08:02:54 CEST 2007

Le 3 juin 07 à 04:02, caapv 208 a écrit :

> As I said, xdvipdfmx doesn't try to compress jpeg, so
> there is no difference.  Jonathan_pic.jpeg is from
> http://scripts.sil.org/Welcome
> Source:
> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage{graphics}
> \begin{document}
> \includegraphics{Jonathan_pic.jpeg}
> \end{document}
> Results:
> pdflatex          (PDF 1.4) 9339 bytes
> xelatex+xdvipdfmx (PDF 1.3) 8124 bytes
> xelatex+xdvipdfmx (PDF 1.4) 8126 bytes

Here on the Mac:

Jonathan_pic.jpeg	(JFIF 1.1)	 5951 bytes

pdflatex		(PDF 1.4)	 9339 bytes
xelatex+xdvipdfmx	(PDF 1.4)	 8127 bytes
xelatex+xdv2pdf		(PDF 1.3)	63399 bytes

Same, after adding \pagestyle{empty} to the file, so that cmr10.pfb  
isn't embedded:

pdflatex		(PDF 1.4)	 7121 bytes
xelatex+xdvipdfmx	(PDF 1.4)	 6888 bytes
xelatex+xdv2pdf		(PDF 1.3)	56357 bytes


pdflatex		pdftex-1.40.3
xelatex+xdvipdfmx	xdvipdfmx (0.4)
xelatex+xdv2pdf		Mac OS X 10.4.9 Quartz PDFContext

Thus, on the Mac, using xdv2pdf (invoked by default by xetex) can  
induce quite a difference in file size.

Bruno Voisin

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