[XeTeX] Zapfino
Sebastian Schubert
sebastian-schubert at gmx.de
Wed Jul 11 23:49:32 CEST 2007
I recently tried XeTeX and it works well. I mainly need it to use the
nice features of the newest otf version of Zapfino Extra.
Unfortunately, eg Adobe Indesign CS seems to use the otf features better
than XeTeX. Here is what I did:
--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
\setmonofont{DejaVu Sans Mono}
\newcommand{\test}[1]{\fontspec[RawFeature=#1]{Zapfino Extra LT Pro}
Dies soll mir zeigen, wie zum Beispiel doppelte ds, also wie dass das
dargestellt werden und welche context features sonst noch so aktiv
sind. Ligaturentest: Mr. Zapfino, ffi, fl}
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
The result is here:
I also tried this text in Adobe Indesign CS (the most recent demo) and I
produced the following using only contextual alternatives:
It seems Adobe uses alternatives more often. Look for example at the
"z" or the the words starting with "d".
Any idea?
I use Xe(La)TeX on a x86 Gentoo Linux using TexLive 2007.
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