[XeTeX] using xetex in make

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Thu Aug 16 13:57:40 CEST 2007

Am 16.08.2007 um 04:35 schrieb Mike Maxwell:

> -----------
> %.pdf: %.xetex
> 	pwd ; \
> 	ls -l $^ ; \
> 	$(XETEX) $< -o $@
> -----------

You are just describing a dependence. It's not the description of a  
rule, this one would look like ``.xetex.pdf:´´.

At least my version of xetex does not seem to understand ``-o  
whatsoever´´, at least this is not mentioned when invoked with ``-help 
´´. A man page is still missing. So it is a bit of a miracle that  
``xelatex test.xetex -o test.pdf´´ works for me too on the command  
line ... and when I invoke ``xelatex file1.tex file2.tex file3.tex´´  
(with or without file name extension) only the first file is  
processed. Without telling a word of the two other files ...


	                -o test.pdf

is a construction TeX uses generally to point to the cause of the  
error ...



Work is the curse of the drinking class.        — Oscar Wilde

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