[XeTeX] beamer problems with xetex

Jelle Huisman jelle at jhnet.nl
Mon Apr 30 22:08:59 CEST 2007

Alan Munn wrote:
> Hi, I'm trying to use beamer and xelatex, but am running into 
> problems with certain themes.  The following minimal document 
> produces two small bullets on the title slide instead of the title. 
> The following themes based  produce the problem: Warsaw, PaloAlto, 
> Madrid, JuanLesPins, Ilmenau, Frankfurt, Darmstadt, Copenhagen, 
> CambridgeUS, AnnArbor (and themes derived from them, including mine). 
> Since the problem doesn't arise with pdflatex, I'm posting this to 
> the xelatex mailing list.  Is anyone here using beamer and xelatex 
> regularly with success, or should I just stick with regular pdflatex 
> for beamer presentations?
Hello Allan,

I don't use beamer regularly, but when I typeset your minimal example 
using the xdvipdfmx-output driver[1] it produces the desired result.

[1] xelatex -output-driver="xdvipdfmx -q -E" "$1"



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