[XeTeX] PDF file info

baptiste Auguié ba208 at exeter.ac.uk
Sat Apr 14 20:54:23 CEST 2007


With pdflatex, I used to add some information in the resulting pdf  
file using either of these,

> \ifxetex
> \hypersetup{ %
>     pdfauthor   = {baptiste},%
>     pdftitle    = {my title},%
>     pdfsubject  = {stuff},%
>     pdfkeywords = {more stuff},%
>     pdfcreator  = {XeTeX},%
>     pdfproducer = {XeTeX},%
>     }
> \else
> \pdfinfo { /Title  (PhD Thesis)
>                /Creator (TeX)
>                /Producer (pdfTeX)
>                /Author (Baptiste)
>                /CreationDate (D:20061022000000)  %format  
> D:YYYYMMDDhhmmss
>                /ModDate (D:20061022000000)
>                /Subject (SPs )
>                /Keywords (PhD, Thesis)}
> \pdfcatalog { /PageMode (/UseOutlines)
>                   /OpenAction (fitbh)  }
> \fi

the first option (together with the hyperref package) doesn't do  
anything in xetex as far as i can tell, and the second produces an  
error so I suppose it's not compatible with xetex.

Is there any way to add these info in XeTeX? And just for  
information, is there an easy way to password protect the pdf file  
with XeTeX?

Many thanks,


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