[XeTeX] local forms

Adam Twardoch list.adam at twardoch.com
Fri Sep 22 15:47:14 CEST 2006

Pablo Rodríguez wrote:
> The problem here is that the font has these locl substitutions defined
> for the Latin script and there for the default language (that is,
> latin{dflt}. I don't know if XeTeX should apply these substitutions when
>  defining \foreignlanguage{greek} and selecting polunikogreek as an
> option in babel.

It is a bug in the font. The font should define those substitutions only 
in the math:dflt context, not in the latn:dflt. In a correctly formed 
font, the lookup that substitutes Greek textual forms with Greek 
mathematical forms should be associated with the following features:

script=math language=dflt feature=locl
script=grek language=dflt feature=mgrk

In addition, the font *may* associate the lookups with the features:
script=math language=dflt feature=mgrk
script=latn language=dflt feature=mgrk

But certainly not
script=latn language=dflt feature=locl

This is clearly a bug in the font.


Adam Twardoch
| Language Typography Unicode Fonts OpenType
| twardoch.com | silesian.com | fontlab.net

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