[XeTeX] inconsistant kerning

Florian Grammel grammel at gmx.net
Thu Sep 21 18:41:42 CEST 2006

Dear list,

a house-font of ours sometimes seemed to forget *some* kerning  
information when typesetting with XeLaTeX. I suspected this to be a  
problem with the font and tried to fiddle around with it, but without  
any results. Then I found out, that some of the other -- professional  
-- fonts sometimes display the same odd behaviour, too.

Some testing came down to the result, that this only happens
- with punctuation after capital letters (but I haven't tested for  
that thoroughly)
- in the middle of a paragraph
- when the font in question is Open Type, True Type based

In the example below the sequence "V." would have proper kerning in  
the beginning of the paragraph, but not in the middle of it. Note  
that all other kerning-pairs seem to be ok (I haven't measured that  
out though).

I would be very much interested to hear whether any of you can  
reproduce this behaviour and, of course, whether anyone might have an  
idea, what is going wrong and what I could do about it.

Best regards,

%!TEX TS-program = xelatex
%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode


%\setromanfont{DejaVu LGC Serif}%https://sourceforge.net/projects/dejavu
\setromanfont{Junicode} %https://sourceforge.net/projects/junicode/
%\setromanfont{Palatino Linotype}


WoVoV.W.P.T. Duis euismod. Fusce eget quam a massa faucibus  
tincidunt. Phasellus convallis. Morbi fermentum. Fusce pretium.  
Integer imperdiet lorem non magna. Aliquam convallis quam a ligula.  
Quisque pellentesque, nibh vitae placerat ullamcorper, consectetuer  
justo augue aliquam nisl, eleifend dapibus odio orci id mauris.  
Pellentesque porttitor. Sed sagittis ullamcorper urna. Sed justo  
tortor, sollicitudin eu, fermentum at, hendrerit ac, felis. Fusce  
tempus tincidunt massa. Praesent convallis turpis et orci. Sed porta,  
ipsum vel mattis laoreet, nisi lacus consequat ante, sit amet auctor  
lacus massa eget nisi. Nam eu dolor. WoVoV.W.P.T. Duis euismod. Fusce  
eget quam a massa faucibus tincidunt. Phasellus convallis. Morbi  
fermentum. Fusce pretium. Integer imperdiet lorem non magna. Aliquam  
convallis quam a ligula. Quisque pellentesque, nibh vitae placerat  
ullamcorper, consectetuer justo augue aliquam nisl, eleifend dapibus  
odio orci id mauris. Pellentesque porttitor. Sed sagittis ullamcorper  
urna. Sed justo tortor, sollicitudin eu, fermentum at, hendrerit ac,  
felis. Fusce tempus tincidunt massa. Praesent convallis turpis et  
orci. Sed porta, ipsum vel mattis laoreet, nisi lacus consequat ante,  
sit amet auctor lacus massa eget nisi. Nam eu dolor.


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