[XeTeX] Small Caps Font Woes

Will Robertson wspr81 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 31 03:28:45 CET 2006

On 10/31/06, Robert MacGregor <macgregor at gmail.com> wrote:
> how would I go about checking
> if my font definitons have Small Caps?

You can find the file AAT-info.tex in the XeTeX docs to find what
features a font has, if any. It sounds like your fonts are too
old-fashioned, through. That's okay -- they're still useable!

> Also, if they don't have small caps definitions, it would be fine if I could
> use another font for small caps, I just don't understand how to do that.  If
> I set "SmallCapsFont" to something else, for example:
> \setromanfont[SmallCapsFont=Hoefler Text]{Bembo}

Uh, is that really a fine thing to do? It sounds pretty ugly to me :)
but it depends on how you're using it, I guess. Anyway, you have to


(untested) because it's designed for fonts with matching smallcaps in
an alternate font, like the old postscript fonts you're using. (So the
smallcaps feature being enabled by default wouldn't make sense,
broadly speaking.)

Hope this helps,

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