[XeTeX] using cm math symbols with xetex

Ralf Stubner ralf.stubner at physik.uni-erlangen.de
Sat Oct 7 11:01:58 CEST 2006

"Friedman, Joshua" <Friedmanj at USMMA.EDU> writes:

> I changed the ownership of a certain Cache directory and xetex seems
> to work beautifully now.

Just for the record: Which directory? Which TeX distribution?

> Two questions remain: 
> How do I change the math font?

Currently math support in XeTeX is not really different than in any
other TeX engine. The only limitation is that xdv2pdf, which I think is
still the default xdv-driver on Mac OS, does not support virtual fonts.
This is not the case for xdvipdfmx. 

> How do I use small caps?

Do you use the LaTeX or the plain format (xelatex vs xetex) or some
other format? If you are using font available to other TeX as well, the
same methods used with these engines apply. If you are using LaTeX and
an OpenType (or, on a Mac, AAT) font, you can use fontspec.sty for
setting the font up. If the font contains small caps, \textsc{...} and
\scshape will work as expected. See the fontspec documentation for


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