[XeTeX] xelatex & MnSymbol

Will Robertson wspr81 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 8 21:54:42 CET 2006

On 08/11/2006, at 21:32 , Sebastian Hanigk wrote:

> As far as I know, xelatex uses the Computer Modern math fonts,
> regardless of the text fonts set via the fontspec package or am I
> mistaken?

I'm not sure about MnSymbol; if you're using the xdvipdfmx driver,  
then things should work as for regular LaTeX. With regard to fontspec  
and maths fonts, there's not much relation. There's some work  
underway to get OpenType maths support (requiring both a version of  
XeTeX that doesn't exist yet :) and my unimath package, also  

It looks like the STIX fonts will be released in beta before  
Christmas, so I hope to get some stuff working before then.

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