[XeTeX] Handling of parentheses in graphical file names

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Tue May 23 10:27:35 CEST 2006

Attempting to apply LaTeX's \includegraphics to JPEG files with names  
like (iii)403.jpg, through \includegraphics{(iii)403}, I am indeed  
getting the graphics included, but prefixed with the text "403.pdf  
403.png 403.jpg" in XeLaTeX. I am not seeing this in pdfLaTeX. Is  
this a normal issue? Should I have used a special way of specifying  
the parentheses in the file name?

Example below (the two images should normally be at the same size,  
and without the text 403.pdf etc.):

-------------- next part --------------
A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: Image 1.png
Type: image/png
Size: 97302 bytes
Desc: not available
Url : http://tug.org/pipermail/xetex/attachments/20060523/31ddff34/attachment-0001.png 
-------------- next part --------------

The corresponding LaTeX code is (the use of tabular environments  
containing only one item each is to ensure that the included graphics  
are aligned vertically with respect to their centres):

   \end{tabular} \\[\smallskipamount]

As for the odd file names, I plead non-guilty: this is how the scans  
asked to my department's media staff reached me (based on figure and  
panel numbers in the scientific paper from which the scans were  
taken). The files can of course be renamed, but I am wondering  
whether this is a known issue with non-alphabetic characters in file  

Another question is whether the problem lies within XeTeX itself, or  
within the XeTeX driver file xetex.def for the LaTeX graphics package.

Bruno Voisin

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