[XeTeX] \XeTeXuseglyphmetrics (was Re: Re: [OS X TeX] gtamacfonts ligatures: PDF searchability)
Bruno Voisin
bvoisin at mac.com
Thu May 18 09:59:40 CEST 2006
Le 17 mai 06 à 20:25, Jonathan Kew a écrit :
> A question: should \XeTeXuseglyphmetrics=1 be set in xetex.fmt and
> xelatex.fmt as a default, do you think?
I don't know what the consequences would be for languages which don't
use Roman scripts, or are typeset vertically. Thus, speaking only for
Roman-based languages, I would say that \XeTeXuseglyphmetrics=1 is
mandatory when typesetting math formulae, as exhibited by the
screenshots I provided earlier. Otherwise, math formulae would look
just like what one would get with GUI equation editors such as
shipped with MS Word, or as Expressionist I was using in the past;
which would mean, for maths, giving up on the quality of output TeX
had learnt us to expect.
An issue also is backwards compatibility with what TeX normally
provides (though the fonts with which the effect of
\XeTeXuseglyphmetrics is noticeable are not those normally used by
TeX). A possibility would be to compare the output, for the same
fonts, of text typeset either with pdfLaTeX and the gtamacfonts
package, or XeLaTeX and the fontspec package, and assess the
influence of \XeTeXuseglyphmetrics in the second case.
Here is, as an illustration, the same text as in the earlier
screenshots, first with XeLaTeX, fontspec and \XeTeXuseglyphmetrics=0:
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then with XeLaTeX, fontspec and \XeTeXuseglyphmetrics=1:
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and finally with pdfLaTeX and gtamachoefler:
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I'm still missing the tightier and more regular spacing from the
third case, which seems essentially caused by the different placement
of the superscript "1/2" (a bit further on the right, and further
down, in pdfLaTeX). I've not managed to understand how the metrics
were created for the Hoefler Text font in the gtamacfonts collection
of packages; hence I've no idea on what could be done in XeTeX about
this, if anything can indeed be done.
In any case, count me in for \XeTeXuseglyphmetrics=1 as the default.
Bruno Voisin
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