[XeTeX] \font usage

Jonathan Kew jonathan_kew at sil.org
Sun May 14 20:07:09 CEST 2006

Hi Włodek (and anyone else interested to try) -

I've just checked in some changes to the XeTeX code in TRUNK that  
allow it to work much better with .pfb fonts on Linux. I'm now  
getting the proper styles for a variety of font families on my Ubuntu  
machine... running xelatex with a copy of sample2e.tex with extra  
preamble lines:

%%% - - - - - -
\XeTeXuseglyphmetrics = 1
% try various fonts to make sure fontspec finds the styles....
%\setromanfont{Bitstream Vera Sans}
%\setromanfont{Bitstream Charter}
%\setromanfont{URW Gothic L}
\setromanfont{URW Bookman L}
%\setromanfont{URW Palladio L}
%\setromanfont{Nimbus Roman No9 L}
%\setromanfont{Nimbus Sans L}
%\setromanfont{Minion Pro}
%\setromanfont{Charis SIL}
%%% - - - - - -

All these produce the expected results (though xdvipdfmx still  
generates spurious warning messages for Minion Pro and other OpenType  
CFF fonts).

There's still work needed to handle the Latin Modern family better  
(among other things), but this should give much better results for  
typical font families.


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