[XeTeX] XeTeX vertical text layout support (for Linux & win32 users)

Jonathan Kew jonathan_kew at sil.org
Sun Jun 18 19:18:15 CEST 2006

On 18 Jun 2006, at 5:42 pm, Jonathan Kew wrote:

> The scripts.sil.org server seems to be inaccessible at the moment,  
> so I can't check in any code, but for those who want to experiment  
> with vertical mode for CJK (and already have current source code),  
> here is a patch for rev. 282 from Subversion. Seems to work OK in  
> initial testing (on both Mac and Linux machines).
> This can be applied to a working copy of rev. 282 by executing  
> "patch < vertical-patch.txt" in the texk/web2c/xetexdir directory.
> A further patch to xdvipdfmx is also going to be needed; that will  
> follow in a while.

And here is the additional patch for xdvipdfmx, to get glyph spacing  
right in vertical mode. (With square glyphs, you could get away  
without this, but as soon as you mix in proportional glyphs, chaos  
would result.)

With these changes to xetex and xdvipdfmx, I think it should be  
possible to do vertical-mode CJK on Linux etc using TrueType and  
OpenType fonts. As always, feedback is invited; I'd be interested to  
know how this works for people.

The patches will be checked in to Subversion sometime soon, when our  
server is back online.


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