[XeTeX] Optical sizing (was: Feedback on W32 Port of XeTeX v0.994)

Jonathan Kew jonathan_kew at sil.org
Fri Jun 16 13:46:57 CEST 2006

On 16 Jun 2006, at 12:23 pm, William Adams wrote:
>> However, in the meantime I've also realized that some of the 'size'
>> data in Garamond Premier Pro is *incorrect*, and therefore the
>> results you get with XeTeX will still not be entirely as expected. In
>> particular, compare:
>> GaramondPremrPro-ItCapt.otf:design size 6 pt, size range (6 pt, 8.9
>> pt], subfamily ID 6, subfamily name Italic
>> GaramondPremrPro-It.otf:design size 6 pt, size range (6 pt, 8.9 pt],
>> subfamily ID 6, subfamily name Italic
>> So "Garamond Premier Pro Italic Caption" and "Garamond Premier Pro
>> Italic" have identical 'size' data; but they are in fact distinct
>> designs, and the latter is clearly meant to be the 11pt design size.
>> I'm afraid xetex can't figure that out by magic, though; it can only
>> go by what it actually finds in the font!
> Wonder how that slipped through their QA department?

AFAIK, their software doesn't actually make use of this data - or can  
ID do automatic face selection from among optically-sized designs,  
like xetex does?

> I've mentioned it on an InDesign mailing list where a lot of Adobe
> employees hang out, (w/ attribution to you and mention of the XeTeX
> list) so hopefully it'll get on their radar.

Good for you - thanks. I've also reported it via email to Tom  
Phinney. There are actually several errors in the GPP 'size' feature,  
as shown in the attached listing; so I'm afraid xetex will do a less- 
than-perfect job with it, and for the time being, you'll have to give  
explicit style names (and perhaps use /S=0 to disable optical sizing  
in some cases) if you want to be sure you get the desired face.

You'd have to use explicit names anyway, if you want to access all  
the weights, as fontspec only deals with simple four-member families  
automatically. But the optical sizing *should* work for them all, and  
currently won't. :(


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