[XeTeX] wrong font match and missing characters

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Fri Jun 9 10:11:36 CEST 2006

Am 09.06.2006 um 01:10 schrieb Pablo Rodríguez:

> Package fontspec Info: Defining font family for "GFS Didot Rg" with  
> options []
> on input line 4.
> Package fontspec Info: \font is "GFS Didot Rg:" on input line 4.
> Package fontspec Info: Could not resolve font GFS Didot Rg/B (it  
> might not exis
> t) on input line 4.
> Package fontspec Info: \font is "GFS Didot Rg/I:" on input line 4.
> Package fontspec Info: \font is "GFS Didot Rg/BI:" on input line 4.

This is causing the use of bold, probably because bold comes in the  
alphabet before regular. Don't use the "Rg" specifier, XeTeX is  
clever enough to find a font's variants, because otherwise you get:

> Missing character: There is no χ in font GFS Didot Rg Regular!
> Missing character: There is no α in font GFS Didot Rg Regular!
> Missing character: There is no λ in font GFS Didot Rg Regular!
> Missing character: There is no ε in font GFS Didot Rg Regular!
> Missing character: There is no π in font GFS Didot Rg Regular!
> Missing character: There is no ὰ in font GFS Didot Rg Regular!
> Missing character: There is no τ in font GFS Didot Rg Regular!
> Missing character: There is no ὰ in font GFS Didot Rg Regular!
> Missing character: There is no κ in font GFS Didot Rg Regular!
> Missing character: There is no α in font GFS Didot Rg Regular!
> Missing character: There is no λ in font GFS Didot Rg Regular!
> Missing character: There is no ά in font GFS Didot Rg Regular!

You see, it's a different font name than you've specified.

What is the reason you do not use


Mit friedvollen Grüßen


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