[XeTeX] geometry.sty FIX for XeTeX 0.994

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Wed Jun 7 11:05:13 CEST 2006

Le 7 juin 06 à 10:01, Ralf Stubner a écrit :

> Will Robertson <wspr81 at gmail.com> writes:
>> Use the following to temporarily fix the problem until geometry is
>> updated; note that it works whether the document is typeset using
>> either the XeTeX or pdfTeX backends:
>>    \ifdefined\XeTeXversion
>>      \newcount\pdfoutput
>>      \pdfoutput0\relax
>>    \fi
>>    \usepackage[dvipdfm]{geometry}
> The most appropriate place for something like this is probably the
> geometry.cfg that is shipped with XeTeX's TEXMF tree.

I don't think that's enough. The "controversial" part of geometry.sty  

\def\Gm at checkdrivers{%
       \Gm at setdriver{pdftex}%
       \Gm at setdriver{vtex}%
         \Gm at setdriver{vtex}%
   \ifx\Gm at driver\Gm at dvips
     \Gm at specialtrue
     \ifx\Gm at driver\Gm at dvipdfm
        \Gm at specialtrue

It seems to add to the explicit choice of driver, either through an  
option such as \usepackage[dvipdfm]{geometry} or in the config file  
geometry.cfg, another implicit check inside the package geometry.sty  
itself. Specifically, the above code sets the driver to [pdftex] if  
\pdfoutput is 1, and to [vtex] if \OpMode is 1 or 2; it's only  
afterwards that the driver setting (either explicit or implicit) is  
taken into account, with \Gm at special set to true in case the driver  
is either [dvips] or [dvipdfm]. And because of the way this works,  
the implicit driver setting, when it applies, seems to take over any  
explicit setting.

Thus, in this case, I think the config file geometry.cfg provided by  
Jonathan is not enough: the package file geometry.sty itself must be  
changed. I think that geometry.sty should replace its implicit checks  
for [pdftex] and [vtex] by calls for ifpdf.sty and ifvtex.sty:


and then use the switches \ifpdf and \ifvtex that these packages  

An alternative, possibly more viable in the long term, is the  
preparation of a package ifxetex.sty, based on the code in ifpdf.sty  
and ifvtex.sty and taking into account the introduction and/or  
evolution in time of the command \XeTeXversion.

Bruno Voisin

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