[XeTeX] Fonts for (Xe)TeX use

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Wed Aug 30 15:24:41 CEST 2006

Le 30 août 06 à 12:16, Wendy McKay a écrit :

> On Wed, 30 Aug 2006, Will Robertson wrote:
>> By the way, I hope someone's collecting these on a webpage  
>> somewhere :)
> Me too.
> If some k

Hi Will, Wendy,

Not exactly what you asked, but here are the fonts I have finally  
kept (the choice does not pretend to be objective in any way, neither  
do the comments accompanying each font name). Thanks to William Adams  
and Joachim Trinkwitz for their suggestions.

Bruno Voisin

SIL fonts

Because these are often mentioned in Jonathan Kew's answers

Doulos SIL

Charis SIL


Code 200x

Because these are often mentioned in Will Robertson's answers

Code2000 (shareware)

Bitstream fonts

Because these have been mentioned here at times (I must admit that  
I'm not familiar enough with font issues to see any significant  
difference with the ubiquitous LaserWriter 35 fonts)

Bitstream Charter

Bitstream Vera

Around the LaserWriter 35 fonts

Free UCS: Nothing very original, but given these are free I imagine  
they might become a standard someday

FPL Neu: Because knowledgeable people here have spoken highly of that  

Adobe fonts

Adobe Utopia: Because of the existence of the complementary Fourier  
math fonts, and because of their design which looks (to my untrained  
eyes) like a cross-breed of the "classical" LaserWriter 35 fonts and  
the "modern" Lucida Bright fonts

Adobe Euro: For those rare occasions when one uses a font missing the  
Euro symbol

Math fonts

Fourier-GUT: Math complement to Utopia

MnSymbol: Math complement to MinionPro

Mathematica: Created for and used by Mathematica, with MathML support  
in mind

For fun

Fontin: Original and nice in every point of detail

Delicious: Original and nice in every point of detail

Yanone Kaffeesatz (donationware): A tribute to the powers of coffee

Behrens-Schrift: So very Art Nouveau

Optimo Circuit: So very BauHaus

Plus home-made conversions to TrueType format, using FontForge and my  
original Mac OS 7 floppies, of the Apple vintage fonts I miss so much  
on Mac OS X: Athens, Cairo, London, Los Angeles, Mobile, San  
Francisco, Venice

Cairo TT: TrueType clone of the bitmap Apple Cairo, based on a  
PostScript clone which has apparently vanished from the web

Medieval fonts

I have not installed these, but according to their presentation they  
seem especially useful to scholars, linguists and for biblical studies


Andron Scriptor

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