[XeTeX] Re: XeTeX doc
Will Robertson
will at guerilla.net.au
Fri Apr 7 09:38:54 CEST 2006
On 07/04/2006, at 9:08 , Robert Spence wrote:
> So... who's going to install the Wiki software? And where?
I don't think there's a big enough XeTeX community at present to
justify a Wiki. It would be better off collaborating on some decent
documentation, typeset directly with XeTeX. I'd love to volunteer for
the task of organising such a thing, but I'm a bit swamped.
CTAN will happily host anything TeX related. I suggest if anyone
actually gets the inclination to write a "howto" for *anything* XeTeX
related, they either write a PracTeX article about it if it's direct,
or otherwise write a longer document with reference material that can
be kept at CTAN (or even sil.org, for that matter).
Jonathan's "xetex-notes" provide an ideal starting point to flesh out
more complete documentation. I'm sure he would be happy to accept
additional sections on material he hasn't had time to cover. (I hope
you don't mind me putting words in your mouth, Jonathan!) There's
certainly enough people on the list to provide a cursory factual/
copyediting proof read for extra material.
Ross -- I've on occasion had the desire to go through xunicode.sty
and turn it into a "proper" LaTeX package as a documented .dtx file,
partly to better understand everything it's doing. What are your
thoughts on the matter? Would you object to me doing something like
that in the future?
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