[XeTeX] xelatex.fmt not found after update

Jonathan Kew jonathan_kew at sil.org
Wed Oct 19 21:20:09 CEST 2005

On 19 Oct 2005, at 8:10 pm, Stefano Franchi wrote:

> On Oct 19, 2005, at 11:45 AM, Jonathan Kew wrote:
>> On 19 Oct 2005, at 5:42 pm, Stefano Franchi wrote:
>>> However, I can't get XeTeX to work yet. If I try to compile one  
>>> of the sample documents from TeXShop I get the following in the   
>>> TeXShop console:
>>> This is XeTeX, Version 3.141592-2.2-0.98 (Web2C 7.5.3)
>>> entering extended mode
>>> (./font-features.tex [1] )
>>> Output written on font-features.pdf (1 page).
>>> Transcript written on font-features.log.
>>> but no .pdf file is generated and no error messages are reported  
>>> in the .log file. If I try directly from the command line I get  
>>> the following:
>>> thrasymachus:~/Desktop/XeTeX-doc/Samples stefano$ xetex font- 
>>> features.tex
>>> This is XeTeX, Version 3.141592-2.2-0.98 (Web2C 7.5.3)
>>> entering extended mode
>>> (./font-features.tex [1] )
>>> kCGErrorFailure : can't find font object for font id.
>>> Output written on font-features.pdf (1 page).
>>> Transcript written on font-features.log.
>> Hmmm.... that's a bit worrying; I'm not sure what's wrong here.  
>> Clearly something to do with fonts. That document uses Apple  
>> Chancery and Zapfino, but you must have them available or you  
>> would have seen a "Font not loadable..." message. Apparently XeTeX  
>> found them and finished, but then something went wrong when  
>> xdv2pdf was trying to generate the PDF.
>> Could you see if there is a "xdv2pdf.crash.log" file, probably in  
>> ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/, and send to me?
>> If you try files that use different fonts (e.g., try  
>> "PicFileSample.tex"), does it still have problems, or is it one of  
>> these fonts in particular that's giving trouble for you?
>> Jonathan
> Hi Jonathan,
>     indeed there is a crash log for xdv2pdf. I enclose it below. I  
> tried several examples from the samples folder, all failed silently  
> (including PicFileSample), with the exception of OpenTypeSamples  
> which produced a pdf file (I do have one of  the otf fonts it uses).
> Cheers,
> Stefano

Ah, I see the problem: you still have old stuff (specifically, an old  
xdv2pdf) in /sw/bin, and that's being found rather than the up-to- 
date version installed in /usr/local/teTeX/bin/....

Do "rm /sw/bin/xdv2pdf" (with "sudo" if necessary, I don't know what  
permissions Fink sets) and I predict that your new XeTeX will  
magically begin to work. :)

Yes, this highlights the fact that during the time XeTeX has been  
evolving, I have not always maintained interoperability between the  
various components from different releases. So don't mix and match;  
it leads to trouble. (I know, you didn't intend to! This is a general  
note for anyone following the case.)


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