[XeTeX] Mac OS X Savoye

Adam Twardoch list.adam at twardoch.com
Tue Nov 29 10:49:22 CET 2005

Jonathan Kew wrote:
> Path name would be a problem in the case where the file is actually a 
> suitcase containing several fonts.
True, so perhaps path name could not be used with these fonts. It would 
work for OpenType PS (.otf) and OpenType TT / TrueType (.ttf) fonts 
which would be enough for many applications.
> On the other hand, I've been somewhat interested in allowing XeTeX to 
> use fonts that aren't actually installed, and specifying pathnames 
> would be one way to indicate such fonts. Something to think about.
I would be interested in using XeTeX to mass-generate font specimens :)



Adam Twardoch

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