[XeTeX] RTL Arabic footnotes + line numbers for critical edition

Robert Voogdgeert rvoogdgeert at kabelfoon.nl
Wed Jun 22 09:47:21 CEST 2005

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On 22-jun-2005, at 8:55, Bernd Carl wrote:

> Hello,
> I hope someone else has tried this before. I need to edit some  
> Arabic manuscripts and for collation I need Arabic footnotes. I  
> have looked into ledmac but it looks not really convincing to have  
> the footnotes on the left side when all the text is on the right  
> side. It is probably possible to use footnotes in ArabTex but line  
> numbers are not possible in RTL contexts. In Xetex I couldn't get  
> footnotes working inside Arabic texts (using \footnote {xyz}. So  
> right now I'm a bit lost. Maybe someone has an idea?
> This is what I tried: ArabTex and lineno and/or ledmac, Xetex.
> Thank you, Bernd.
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I will forward this e-mail (see Cc) to one of my friends. You can  
contact him for any further questions as he is an experienced ledmac  
user working mainly with Latin mss. As far as I know there have been  
more questions/wishes concerning the possibilities of ledmac with  
regard to r2l languages (Aramaic, Hebrew). I recall that Peter Wilson  
changed a few things relating to r2l languages in ledmac recently but  
I don't know whether this will solve your problems.

Kind regards,
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