[XeTeX] BiBdesk / BiBTeX

Bernd mlist at gmx.de
Mon Dec 19 10:08:04 CET 2005

bibdesk finding the path:
I gave up on that, it seems to be broken under OS X (or I'm too stupid) 
but I'm using the /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.tetex/bibtex/bib/ fodler 
and created a new folder for custom made bibliographies. Now I  can use 
one bib for more than one document without having it always in the same 
folder. You might need to chmod your folder and run sudo texhash to make 
it available though.
Fonts: make sure you're using the proper fonts, this cost me one 
afternoon to figure out why my bibliography never looked right.
Hope that helps, Bernd.

Martin Henning wrote:
> On Dec 18, 2005, at 11:17 PM, musa furber wrote:
>> %%% begin previewtemplate.tex
>> \documentclass[letterpaper]{article}
>> %%% The next four lines are for XeTeX; we use Lucida Grande for the 
>> default (Roman) font, and Gill Sans for
>> %%% the sans-serif font.  Lucida Grande is a good choice if you need a 
>> wide variety of characters.
>> \usepackage{fontspec}
>> \defaultfontfeatures{Mapping=tex-text}
>> \setromanfont{Lucida Grande}
>> \setsansfont[Scale=0.94]{Gill Sans}
>> %%% The remainder of the file is standard BibDesk stuff, and should be 
>> left alone
>> \pagestyle{empty}
>> \textwidth = 6.5in
>> \voffset = -105pt
>> \hoffset = -120pt
>> \usepackage{natbib}
>> %\usepackage{harvard}
>> \renewcommand{\refname}{}
>> \begin{document}
>> \nocite{*}
>> \bibliography{<<File>>}
>> \bibliographystyle{<<Style>>}
>> \end{document}
>> %%% end
> thank you musa, i will try that asap - what i did first: i copied the 
> stuff from the template to my document, which is being processed by 
> xelatex anyway... just to get the right commands... so now i'm using 
> package natbib, put in style and reference to the .bib-file: doesn't 
> work! the output says, that he is looking vor a .bbl-file? never heard 
> of bbl-files, though :)
> Package natbib Warning: Citation `can_gen_ru' on page 2 undefined on 
> input line
> 3.
> ) [2]
> No file pican.bbl.
> Package natbib Warning: There were undefined citations.
> any suggestions? the path i give in \bibliography is most certainly 
> right, since i placed the .bib-file in the same folder. tried path with 
> and without file.extension, but it doesn't help. on OS X TeX list i read 
> (in archives..) something about setting paths for BiBTeX, but it seems 
> to me that this is only for people who want bibtex to find stuff 
> automaticallyy without having to type the path name "all the time" - yes?
> slightly insecure greetings,
> -- 
> Martin Henning
> martin at easy2design.de
> http://log.tigerbus.de
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