[XeTeX] class "book" in LaTeX

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Sat Sep 18 11:32:37 CEST 2004

Le 18 sept. 04, à 10:15, Yves Codet a écrit :

> I tried a test with the class "book" in LaTeX with the following input 
> file:
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> \documentclass[10pt,a4paper]{book}
> \usepackage{utf8accents}
> \usepackage[frenchb]{babel}
> \DeclareFontFamily{U}{Zapfino}{}
> \DeclareFontShape{U}{Zapfino}{m}{n}%
>      {<-> "Zapfino"}{}
> \DeclareFontShape{U}{Zapfino}{m}{it}%
>      {<-> ssub * Zapfino/m/n}{}
> [...]
> I got some errors shown in this output:
> [...]
> ! Font \U/Zapfino/m/n/24.88=Zapfino at 24.88pt not loadable: Metric 
> (TFM) file
> or ATSUI font not found.
> <to be read again>
>                    \relax
> l.38 \chapter{I}
> [...]
> The first difficulty seems to be with the "titre courant", the title 
> in the upper margin (sorry, I don't know the English term). If I 
> uncomment what is commented out in the source file, I get more errors 
> of the same kind. The text itself is alright, only titles seem to 
> create such issues. What could be wrong?

Font substitution doesn't work. If you add in the preamble this 
redefinition of LaTeX's internals, given by Ross Moore earlier last 
month in a thread "Rép : [XeTeX] misplaced combining diacritical 

\def\do at subst@correction{%
         \xdef\subst at correction{\font at name
           \global\let\csname\curr at fontshape/\f at size\endcsname\font at name
       \aftergroup\subst at correction

then things work allright.

I thought XeTeX's latest versions had been modified to eliminate this 
problem, and for me they indeed work for other fonts than Zapfino (and 
less substitutions than in your example). Why this happens here is a 
mistery to me, and I won't be able to look into more detail this 

On other matters, can you please, when starting a new thread, create a 
new message from scratch, pasting the list address afterwards, rather 
than by using Reply-To from another message to the list? This matter 
has been brought up several times already on the OS X TeX list, but not 
on this list AFAIK.

In Apple's Mail.app, when you ask for messages to be organized by 
threads ("Organiser par segment" in the French version), new threads 
started in this way are not recognized as new threads, and they are 
instead put in the original thread from which you did the Reply-To.

This is a minor annoyance, but it diminishes largely the usefulness of 
the otherwise very convenient "Thread Organization" functionality of 
Mail.app in Panther (my OS X TeX mailbox, for example, contains 17487 
messages right now). I regard this as a feature of Mail.app, which 
should not happen and should be corrected, but for the moment we have 
to live with it. I imagine that Mail.app uses some hidden information 
from the message headers, possibly

In-reply-to: <32028934-E05B-11D8-BCC3-000A95928A38 at mac.com>

in your original message, for identifying threads, instead of using the 
message subjects.

I used to do things in the same way as you, using Reply-To for creating 
new threads, but finally I had to change that when starting to use 
Thread Organization. The ideal way would probably be to use Address 
Book on a regular basis, to avoid manual input of email addresses, but 
for the moment I haven't yet started to use Address Book at all, and I 
am still writing emails by pasting and editing adresses from former 
messages. So much for staying old-fashioned!

Bruno Voisin

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