[XeTeX] LaTeX format

Jonathan Kew jonathan_kew at sil.org
Fri Sep 17 11:41:02 CEST 2004

On 17 Sep 2004, at 8:19 am, Yves Codet wrote:

> Hello.
> I tried and built a LaTeX format including Sanskrit hyphenation 
> patterns. So I added:
> 	sanskrit sanhyph.tex
> to "language.dat" and when I compiled I got the following output:
> [Ordinateur-de-Yves-Codet:Documents/sanskrit/textes] ycodet% xeinitex 
> -jobname=slatex \\input latex.ini \\dump
> This is XeTeXk, Version 3.14159-2.1-0.86 (Web2C 7.5.2) (INITEX)
[...lots deleted...]
> Hyphenation trie of length 18636 has 516 ops out of 35111
>   8 for language 6
>   26 for language 4
>   6 for language 3
>   207 for language 2
>   88 for language 1
>   181 for language 0
> No pages of output.
> Transcript written on slatex.log.
> Sanskrit appears as "language 6" instead of "5". Is this error 
> harmless, and anyway could it be fixed? I suppose some other file than 
> "language.dat" has to be edited but I cannot figure which one.

I'm guessing that language 5 is already allocated as the 
"nohyphenation" language, but not reported as there are no hyphenation 
ops. So then your Sanskrit then becomes language 6. The actual numbers 
shouldn't matter (they'll change if you enable/disable other languages, 
anyway), as your documents should always be using the symbolic names.


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