[XeTeX] AAT feature codes

Will Robertson will at guerilla.net.au
Sat Oct 16 13:21:36 CEST 2004

(This didn't appear to get through the first/second/third/fourth time, 
so I've re-sent it. How bizarre!)

Hi Jonathan

This page on the Apple website
shows all of the AAT features supported as of 1996 or something. I 
assume it's still correct (seems to be). At the bottom it shows the 
numerical codes for each feature:

    ligaturesType = 1,
       requiredLigaturesOnSelector          = 0,
       requiredLigaturesOffSelector         = 1,
       commonLigaturesOnSelector            = 2,
       commonLigaturesOffSelector           = 3,

This implies to me that choosing the third selection of the first 
feature will turn off Common Ligatures. (And so on with these types of 
things: even means on, odd means off.)

But in XeTeX I see something different - it turns on Common Ligatures 
for both 2 & 3. The sample file at the end (based on code you gave me 
:) demonstrates.

I can't tell if this a bug in XeTeX. If not, it's very easy for me to 
work around.

Many thanks,


\nopagenumbers \frenchspacing

\def\testtext{fling fields}

   \font\testfont="\myfont" at 10pt
   \edef\featurename{\XeTeXfeaturename\testfont #2 }
     Font \myfont\ doesn't seem to support this feature.\par
     \edef\selectionname{\XeTeXselectorname\testfont #2 #3 }
       Font \myfont\ doesn't seem to support this selection.\par
       The feature/selection code #2/#3 is
       the option "\featurename=\selectionname".\par

\testfontcode{Hoefler Text}{1}{2}
\testfontcode{Hoefler Text}{1}{3}

I would have thought 1/3 should be "Ligatures=!Common Ligatures"


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