[XeTeX] \beginR ...\endR

Michael Gedalin gedalin at bgumail.bgu.ac.il
Fri Nov 5 17:26:58 CET 2004

Thanks a lot. I did not realize these are TeX-XeT primitives and tried 
to use them as environment delimiters. Now I defined new commands:

\newcommand{\LL}{\everypar={\setbox0=\lastbox \beginL \box0 }}
\newcommand{\RR}{\everypar={\setbox0=\lastbox \beginR \box0 }}

and use them for switching LTR-RTL. Should I be cautious ?

* Michael Gedalin
* Department of Physics
* Ben-Gurion University
* 84105 Beer-Sheva, Israel
* tel: 972-8-6461645
* fax: 972-8-6472904
* email: gedalin at bgumail.bgu.ac.il
* http://burster.bgu.ac.il/~gedalin

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