[XeTeX] Re: [OS X TeX] Where is XeTeX README?

Adam Maxwell amaxwell at wsu.edu
Sat May 22 15:59:04 CEST 2004

On 22 May, 2004, at 04:56, Julien Salort wrote:

> Jonathan Kew <jonathan_kew at sil.org> wrote:
>> It's been a long time since I looked at iTeXMac. At the time, I think
>> it didn't support Unicode (UTF-8) as the encoding for text files in 
>> the
>> editor.
> Some months ago, I failed and that's why I switched to TeXShop.

FWIW, this is now covered in the iTeXMac online help, and you no longer 
have to edit the plist by hand, unless you really want to.  Here are 
the instructions for using the GUI to add encodings to the list of 
possible options:

You can customize the file encoding menu displayed by iTeXMac providing 
a resource file located in your home directory at:

~/Library/Application Support/iTeXMac/General/Encodings.plist

This file is created or edited using the iTeXMac(Encoding) editor, by 
choosing the menu item Format->String Encodings->Customize.

If the file does not exist, create a new file by choosing File->New in 
the Encoding editor, and then add encodings from the column on the 
left. When you have finished customizing the menu, choose Save As and 
save the file to the location specified above.

If the file does exist, you will have a menu option Encoding Menu->User 
Domain: Edit which will open your personal encoding menu for 
customization. When you are finished editing, quit the 
iTeXMac(Encoding) editor and your new encoding list will appear under 
Format->String Encodings->Current.  For XeTeX, you'll want to set UTF8 
as the default.

-- Adam

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